Dear friends,
Even through the snow, I was so grateful for all who were able to make our Christmas celebration at our home. Below is a video summary of the vision we discussed at the party.
We have much to celebrate: the birth of our Savior and the Divine rescue of America! God gave America another chance, and at Faith2Action, we intend to take it!
As I talked about at the party, we plan to put our faith to action beginning with challenging the abortion-until-birth ballot measures in both state and federal court. We are also introducing a “Child Protection Act” with a civil remedy so that parents have legal recourse if their child has been groomed in their school or library. It will ensure that “if there is grooming, a lawsuit is looming,” and can eliminate the classroom and library corruption of our children statewide.
I am most excited about a national campaign to bring America back to life, that will fuel the effort in Congress to end abortion for every child whose heartbeat can be heard. More on this in the coming weeks.
Our goal hasn’t changed, as I told more than 200 members of Congress, “We’re gonna end abortion.” Thank you for putting your faith2action to help make it possible!
May God richly bless you and your family this Christmas and in the coming year of opportunity,

Janet Porter
President, Faith2Action
PS Your gift this year will pave the way to the protection of children in the womb and the classroom and reach America with a Biblical Worldview! Please see the short video below:
PPS. Many at the party also got a tour of the studios where we film “What’s a Girl to Do?” and, as a thank you, you can see the full Christmas episode below and at We will reach the lost and disciple nations by providing a Biblical worldview for the 96 percent of Americans who don’t have one (according to George Barna research). This aired on the PTL Network this year and will be featured in the National Religious Broadcaster’s showcase in February.
The Christmas Episode: